Get Started to Get Confident System™

Learn how to Montessori wihout compromising quality

  • How Montessori Works

    Get clear on what Montessori REALLY is and how it's different from everything else from a Montessori Education expert!

  • How to Get Started

    Learn how to practically get started NOW - without overcommitting or spending money unnecessarily.

  • Preparing your Home & Learning Space

    Understand the function & purpose of spaces in a Montessori homeschool home, how to initially set up your learning space and the difference between Montessori at home and Homeschool.

  • Do you have what it takes?

    Learn the TRUTH about what it takes to become a prepared adult AND determine, once-and-for-all, whether Montessori Homeschooling is right for you.

  • Essentials

    Learn what makes a Montessori Homeschool and what essentials you need to get started and with curated lists on where to find them.

  • Good Curriculum

    Social Media is chock-full of oversimplified plug & play curriculums, activities and "resources". Learn what a good curriculum is and where to get your hands on one!

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction & Orientation

    2. Who is Maria Montessori?

    3. Montessori education vs Traditional Education

    4. What is Montessori Education?

    5. Pillars & Key Understandings of a Montessori Education

    6. Homeschool vs Classroom: What is the difference

    7. Montessori at home vs Montessori Homeschool

    8. Key Montessori Terminology

    9. BONUS: Demystifying Montessori Lingo

    1. Overview of Other Homeschool Approaches

    2. DEEP DIVE into Eclectic Homeschooling

    3. DEEP DIVE into Charlotte Mason

    4. DEEP DIVE into Unschooling

    5. DEEP DIVE into Classical Education

    6. DEEP DIVE into Unit Studies & Project Based Learning

    7. DEEP DIVE into Traditional Education

    8. DEEP DIVE into Waldorf

    1. The TRUE cost of a Montessori Education

    2. Common Montessori Misconceptions

    3. Self-Assessment: Are you rightly disposed to lead in a Montessori Education?

    4. BONUS: What it takes to become a prepared adult

    5. BONUS: Choosing a Life without School

    1. Get Started to Get Confident!

    2. Essentials to Getting Started

    3. Death to Plug & Play: Understanding Quality Montessori Curriculum

    4. Understanding the Function & Purpose of Spaces in the Home

    5. Preparing your Home & Montessori Learning Space

    6. Best Practices for Getting Started - BY AGE

    7. BONUS: The Importance of Practical Life in Montessori Homeschool

    8. BONUS: Overcoming your Analysis Paralysis

    9. Next Steps | Ready for TMHA™?

  • $197.00
  • 31 lessons

BONUS Value exceed the cost of the entire course

  • 32-Page PDF Guide to Getting Started with Montessori Homeschool

    $40 Value

    Over 30 pages of value-packed information necessary to sharpen your Montessori knowledge and curated resources to get your started.

  • Homeschooler's Video Guide to Educational Methods

    $500 Value

    Wondering about other educational methods and approaches to Homeschoolering? You're in luck! Lynda is an Educationalist and has curated a special BONUS module that gives you an in-depth overview of the most popular Homeschooling educational approaches, including: Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, Project Based Learning and more!

  • Acceptance into The Montessori Homeschool Academy upon 100% Completion

    This course serves as a prerequisite course for The MONTESSORI HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY™ (TMHA) for Beginner Homeschoolers. Without completion of this course, acceptance into TMHA is by application only after fit is determined at time of Discovery Call. This course ensures you have the foundational knowledge and experience requires for successful enrollment to TMHA.

Enrollment Options

Get Started to Get Confident

No more guessing - No more wasting money - No more misinformation

Already started and ready for more?

Your transformation awaits

If you've gotten started, have committed to your transformation into a Montessorian and have a learning space available, you may be ready to start The Montessori Homeschool Academy™! TMHA was specifically designed for Montessori Homeschoolers seeking to move past Montessori inspired into authentic Montessori. TMHA is an action-oriented course that depends on your foundational understanding of all that is included in the Get Started to Get Confident System™ and the self-awareness that comes only after you've started to implement your learning.