Never Before Available to Homeschoolers!

Access to Authentic Montessori Training Manuals & Video Lessons with your TMHA™ enrollment

No more "Monte-something" or "Something-Sori" curriculums—Now, homeschoolers can access the real deal to complement your adult education & preparation through TMHA™, an action-based Montessori Homeschool training and coaching program designed for homeschoolers who are ready to start teaching their children authentic Montessori now. Previously, these manuals & video lessons were only accessible through Montessori teacher certification centers, but homeschoolers don't have 3 years to study only to figure it out later! We need guidance, resources, and support NOW! TMHA ensures you have the guidance and support to use these valuable resources effectively and confidently without needing anything else!

For Committed Homeschoolers Who Want Authentic Montessori Education—Without the Overwhelm

Are you a dedicated homeschooler who wants to embrace the Montessori method, but you’re feeling:

😵‍💫 Confused by Misinformation?
The internet is flooded with conflicting advice from so-called "experts" who only scratch the surface of Montessori education. Sifting through endless information to find what's authentic and effective can feel like a full-time job.

🫣Overwhelmed by Montessori Trends Without the Substance?
You’ve seen the perfect Instagram-worthy Montessori setups. But you know Montessori is so much more than that. How do you cut through the clutter and focus on what really makes a difference in your child’s learning?

🥴Unsure Where to Start?
You know Montessori is right for your family, but the endless possibilities and lack of a clear path make it hard to know where to begin. You crave a structured, step-by-step guide to build a strong foundation with confidence.

😬Worried About “Doing It Wrong”?
You want to provide the best for your child but fear missing key elements that make Montessori effective. The stakes feel high, and you need trusted support to guide you through this journey.

✅If any of this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. The Montessori Homeschool Academy™ is here to provide clarity, structure, and support so you can confidently guide your child’s Montessori education—without the confusion or overwhelm.

🎓Scroll down to discover how TMHA can transform your homeschooling journey with authentic Montessori principles and expert guidance!

Everyone tells you what to teach, but no one shows you how—until now.

Your Path to Authentic Montessori Homeschooling

Get the Structure, Support, and Resources You Need to Simplify Your Montessori Journey with Proven Guidance and Certified Materials

The Montessori Homeschool Academy (TMHA) is an all-in-one program crafted for dedicated homeschoolers seeking a structured and authentic Montessori approach. Ideal for those who've started homeschooling but feel overwhelmed by the lack of clear guidance, TMHA provides the support you need with expert-led training, an engaged community, and exclusive access to MACTE-certified Montessori materials - for a LIFETIME! This program provides a clear path from confusion to confident homeschooling, reducing overwhelm and empowering parents to implement Montessori principles, philosophy, and educational methodology effectively and sustainably in their homes.

Why Choose The Montessori Homeschool Academy (TMHA)™?

Unlock a comprehensive, supportive, and expertly guided Montessori homeschooling experience with these exclusive benefits:

💪🏽 Lifetime Support Through LIVE Montessori Clinics
Join regular support calls to get guidance, ask questions, and connect LIVE with Lynda and fellow Montessori homeschoolers. Never feel lost or alone on your homeschooling journey.

👥 Vibrant Community of Like-Minded Learners
Become part of an engaged community where you can share experiences, get encouragement, and learn from others who are also dedicated to authentic Montessori education.

🎓 Exclusive Access to MACTE-Certified Training Manuals & Video Lessons
Gain access to genuine, high-quality Montessori training materials and video lessons, previously only available to fully trained teachers, to enhance your understanding and application of Montessori principles.

🏋🏻‍♀️Accountability & Coaching Structure
Experience a structured program that provides step-by-step guidance, tailored support, and clear milestones, ensuring you confidently implement the Montessori method in your home.

Because 'Good Enough' Isn't Enough for Your Child's Education

Behind The Montessori Homeschool Academy™

Meet Lynda Apostol, M.Ed, AMS — an Experienced Educator and Passionate Advocate for Authentic Montessori Homeschooling.

Lynda Apostol, founder of The Montessori Teacher, LLC, brings over 15 years of experience as a teacher, coach, and administrator in both traditional and Montessori settings across public, private, and charter schools in the U.S. Her journey into homeschooling her own children inspired her to rethink Montessori education beyond conventional methods, embracing the philosophy of "following the child." Recognizing the unique challenges parents face in implementing Montessori at home, Lynda created the Montessori Homeschool Academy™, a groundbreaking program that focuses on "how to teach," not just "what to teach." Her innovative approach empowers parents to become confident Montessori guides, providing the clarity and skills usually gained through years of experience and fostering authentic, child-centered learning environments.

🎓 Explore the Core Modules of The Montessori Homeschool Academy (TMHA)™

Discover the step-by-step path to confidently implement the Montessori Method at home. Each module is thoughtfully designed to guide you through essential aspects of Montessori homeschooling, from mindset to lesson planning and beyond.

🧠🧐 MODULE 1: Mindset & Observation
Build the Foundation for a Montessori Lifestyle

Unlock your potential by overcoming limiting beliefs that may hold you back. Learn how to observe both yourself and your child with intention, allowing you to make empowered decisions that align with Montessori principles. Gain the confidence and clarity needed to guide your homeschooling journey like an experienced Montessori educator.

🕰️ MODULE 2: Establishing a Rhythm in the Home
Create a Consistent Family Flow

Establish a strong, values-based rhythm for your home that supports consistent daily routines. Learn how to organize your day into manageable segments, teach your child responsibility, and implement practical tools to maintain harmony in your homeschooling environment.

📒MODULE 3: Life Organization
Master Time Management and Prevent Burnout

Discover how to prioritize what truly matters and set realistic goals to maintain balance. Lynda’s transformative Life Organization System™ helps you find time in your day, streamline tasks, and keep burnout at bay—this system alone is worth the investment in the entire course!

🧾MODULE 4: Scope & Sequence and Assessment
Understand Montessori Curriculum and Track Progress

Feel confident as you begin your Montessori homeschooling journey. Learn how to navigate the Montessori Scope & Sequence, understand its purpose, and assess your child's progress in a way that aligns with Montessori philosophy. This module equips you with the tools to accurately place your child and guide them along their individualized learning path.

📝MODULE 5: Lesson Planning
Create Authentic, Child-Centered Learning Plans

Learn the gold standard of Montessori lesson planning! This module guides you through creating a personalized lesson plan that follows the Montessori Method, curriculum, and observation techniques. Discover how to plan from a "whole-to-part" perspective—designing yearly overviews, monthly themes, weekly plans, and daily activities that are truly centered around your child.

🏡MODULE 6: Prepared Environment
Design and Organize an Effective Learning Space

Create a Montessori environment that evolves with your child's growth. Learn how to set up systems that work, organize materials, manage storage solutions, and maintain the Montessori aesthetic that fosters independence and curiosity. This module ensures your home is a well-prepared environment for every stage of your child’s development.


Explore Each Module's Sessions

Click the arrow to expand and see all that is included

    1. Welcome | The Story Behind TMHA™

    2. How TMHA™ Works

    3. Setting Yourself Up for Success

    4. The Montessori Clinic & TMT Advisory

    5. The Mighty Montessori Community

    6. How to Navigate your Client Portal

    7. How to Save and Print PDF Documents

    8. How to Use Video Functions

    9. How to Submit Your Assignments

    10. Privacy Policy and Web Terms

    11. Test your knowledge of TMHA™

    1. Classroom vs. Homeschool: What is the difference?

    2. Intro to Pillars of a Montessori Education

    3. Pillar: Respect & Kindness

    4. Pillar: Grace & Courtesy

    5. Pillar: AutoEducation & Trust

    6. Pillar: Self-Discipline

    7. History of Child Development - Influence on Montessori

    8. Understanding the Four Planes of Development & The Sensitive Periods

    9. The Absorbent Mind • The Absorbent Parent (ages 0-6)

    1. ARTICLE | A Comprehensive Approach from Birth through Maturity by Guadalupe Barbolla

    2. FREE BOOK | Chapter 4 from "The London Lectures" by Maria Montessori, The Planes of Development

    3. INFOGRAPHIC | The Planes of Development

    4. ARTICLE | The Miseducation of Maria Montessori by Jessica Winter

    1. Welcome to Module 1 | COACHING

    2. Observation of the Self | LESSON

    3. Observation of the Self | ASSIGNMENT

    4. Observation of the Self | CHECK IN

    5. Observation of the Child | LESSON

    6. Observation of the Child | ASSIGNMENT

    1. Self Compassion & Mindfulness Exercises

    1. Welcome to Module 2 | COACHING

    2. Establishing a Montessori Homeschool Rhythm: Your Core Values | LESSON

    3. Unpacking your Core Values | ASSIGNMENT

    4. Chunking your day | ASSIGNMENT

    5. Intro to Anchors & Tools | CHECK IN

    6. Anchors & Tools to Implement your Montessori Homeschool Rhythm | COACHING

Includes Lifelong Coaching and Support

  • 95 lessons
  • 21 hours of video content

Success stories from TMHA Graduates!

“The support and cheering in become the best version of a prepared adult I can be for my kiddos; How to have grace and courtesy with myself so I can actually be there for my family; Where to give space for my cup so I can fill my kids cups; learning to schedule my life and organize it all together… all this was possible with The Montessori Teacher Program. Being understood in a cultural level -Latin roots- was super awesome!”

Jessica Jimenez - Mama of 2, Coop Host

“I am so thankful to have joined. My homeschool journey is so much clear and organized. I have everything I need to succeed and help my children succeed in the homeschool journey. Everything has changed: my mindset, my goals, our work cycle, my expectations. I have what I need 1000% YES!”

Jacqueline - Mama of 3 (5, 2 & infant)

“When I started I was so anxious, they were a lot of tears because I thought I wasn't able to do this on my own. Certainly, I needed someone like Lynda and her 1:1 coaching program. Since the first session I started to see changes on my motherhood journey and in myself as a individual. I learned so many things and to be patient with myself. I learned how to follow my child's learning process, I learned how to do observations that's something that has helped me tremendously. I learned that I have to follow my kids not a curriculum. Honestly I thought Montessori was o ly for little kids, but Lynda has teach me that it's possible to do it with bigger kids.”

Lizbeth Andrade - Mama of 4

“before this course I was winging it and just throwing things together with a Montessori inspired feel and loose expectations. Now I feel confident in my planning and have sustainable systems that will last a lifetime. My biggest takeaway and the most surprising is how this course has allowed my to become more aligned with my valued and start operating in them. I am clearer about what matters and have the boundaries and system to support living with my values.”

Kristen Caroll, Mama of 3

“Empecé con un curso de manejo de materiales, me sentía confundida. Cuando me enteré de The Montessori Teacher, por un momento lo dude, pero cuando me inscribí la verdad que valió la pena, como Lynda me dijo en una de nuestras sesiones, la eduación en casa no es tan difícil como la pintan. La secuencia que nos brinda es su trabajo de muchos años, eso no lo encontrarás en ninguna parte. La observación del niño y del adulto, es vital, eso es lo más valioso.”

Monica Asmat, Mama of 2

“Lynda and her well-designed course has imbued me with a high degree of confidence both in the home-schooling of my child and in my parenting. Culturally my decision to home-educate came under critical scrutiny but now I feel very confident and happy with my decision. After the course, quite simply, I know what to do because I have a wonderfully designed roadmap. Linda is easy to work with, and she helped me to feel enthusiastic about my child's learning journey. I enjoyed the way that Linda challenged me and encouraged me to examine why I was doing this.”

Seda Soylu, Mama of 1

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there prerequisites to apply?

    Yes, there are a few important prerequisites: 1️⃣ Be Coachable: To succeed in this program, you need to be open to feedback and willing to learn. Reflect on your ability to be coached—this is something Lynda will assess during your Discovery Call, as your success in the program heavily depends on it. 2️⃣ Have a Learning Space Set Up and Start Your “Deschooling Experiment”: Montessori education begins with understanding your child, not with a curriculum. You should be prepared to start homeschooling in whatever way feels most natural to you now, even if you’re still figuring things out. TMHA builds on this initial experience. If you’re unsure how to begin or need foundational support, we recommend starting with our introductory course, Montessori Homeschool From Scratch. Need More Guidance? Book a Discovery Call or email us, and Lynda will help you create a personalized roadmap for your Montessori homeschooling journey. There’s a lot of information out there, and we’re here to guide you!

  • What are the payment/financing options for enrolling in The Montessori Homeschool Academy™?

    We offer flexible payment options for up to 6 months. We do not offer financing.

  • What type of payments do you accept?

    We accept all major credit and debit cards, Zelle & PayPal.

  • Why do we need to apply?

    Not every course is the right fit for everyone. Our application process helps us ensure that TMHA is a good match for both you and us. It allows us to assess whether our program aligns with your needs and expectations so you don’t invest your time or money in something that isn’t right for you. This process gives us both peace of mind that TMHA is the right choice to support your Montessori homeschooling journey.

  • What happens at the Discovery Call?

    The Discovery Call is your opportunity to ask any remaining questions about the program after reviewing this page and the preliminary proposal. During this call, we’ll take the time to understand your unique needs and goals and see if TMHA is the right fit for you. If it turns out that TMHA isn’t the best option for you, Lynda will provide personalized guidance and recommend other resources or programs that better suit your needs.

  • What is The Montessori Clinic?

    The Montessori Clinic is a LIVE group support call conducted via Zoom, scheduled weekly or bi-weekly depending on the season. During these calls, Lynda personally addresses questions submitted by students in the order they are received through a question form. These sessions are exclusively available to enrolled TMHA students starting after Session 8 of the course. To attend, students need to opt in for each season. We track your course progress to confirm your initial opt-in and send a new opt-in form with each season's schedule.

  • How long can I access the course?

    You’ll have lifetime access to all course content, including videos, homework templates, resources, and more to support your homeschooling journey. "Lifetime access" means you can access the course for as long as it is hosted online. As long as the course remains available on our platform, you will have continued access to everything you need.

  • I am a part of an organization, can I still apply?

    Absolutely! You will go through the same application process as everyone else. *One license per user.

Real Stories, Real Transformations

See How TMHA Has Made a Difference

“Lynda’s coaching helped my husband and I get on the same page about reorganizing our home life to better support our homeschooling goals...The self discovery we did in the beginning of her coaching united us and helped clarify why each of us did things a certain way and what we valued. Whether you are homeschooling temporarily or forever, her coaching will make a difference in your life. ”

Bertha & Paolo

“"Maraming maraming maraming salamat!!! I had to express my utmost gratitude in my native tongue because THANK YOU cannot capture it enough. [Lynda] has helped me in a multitude of ways, as mother and teacher, that I don't know where to begin. It's going to take a while for me to unpack everything in words ... I feel so much lighter! Everything is in order. I am so much more prepared to learn with the kiddos. I now have more mental/emotional space to be a better mother and teacher for them."”

Deanne - Homeschool Mama of 4

““[This program] has given me so much clarity on how to go about homeschooling my children with the Montessori method. It blends philosophy with practical application...The resources are golden and pay for themselves. This is what people mean when they say that after the program, they realized it saved them YEARS of learning through trial and error."”

Cristina, Homeschooler mama of 3, Influencer

“"An amazing and thorough program that has been INSTRUMENTAL in bringing clarity, less anxiety, and good rapport to not only our homeschool environment, but also our home. I was staying up late every night trying to plan my lessons. I was filled with stress balancing budgets and trying to figure out what curriculum or material we needed to purchase...My doubts are quiet and I feel able and confident! It was THE investment that I needed, so I could be more consistent, more prepared, and give my children the experience, the environment, and the Guide they deserve...I wish I'd done it sooner!"”

Armida, Homeschool mama of 2

“"I am blown away! ... So much more concentration and she's putting things away! I should be working but I'm just observing and crying. I'm gonna be able to get so much work done! No more 3am wake-ups!"”

Nicole - Homeschool mama of 1, Lawyer & Entrepreneur

“"There were "aha" moments throughout the program and the life organization sessions were really life altering for me...Following Lynda's advice and guidance, I feel confident that I have the time and can provide the quality of education that my child deserves!"”

Joy Marilie Jackson - Homeschool mama of 1, Influencer & Entrepreneur

“"The course brought so much clarity and helped me to see the depth of what I ought to be teaching my's clear, concise, and easy to navigate. Lynda has made my life sooooo much easier... THIS is truly priceless!"”

Grace - Homeschool mama of 1, highschool teacher

“"Starting out I was unsure of myself and my abilities, however Lynda has provided me with a crystal clear roadmap on where I need to guide my children...I have so much more confidence. Lynda is a joy to work with and genuinely cares about my homeschooling success. I would highly recommend her course to anyone wanting to use the Montessori Method to homeschool. It was one of the best investments I have ever made!"”

Candice - homeschool mama of 3, Military family

Ready to Transform Your Montessori Homeschool?

Join TMHA™

Take the guesswork out of homeschooling with The Montessori Homeschool Academy—a complete, step-by-step program that offers lifetime support through live Montessori Clinics, access to a vibrant community, and exclusive MACTE-certified training materials. Join TMHA today to gain the tools, knowledge, and confidence to create an authentic, thriving Montessori homeschool.